This page is a manually collated and periodically updated list of the top posts on the Open Borders website. The current version was written around March 15, 2015. For the most viewed site background pages, see popular pages.
Note that these posts are not necessarily representative of the views held by Open Borders: The Case and do not attempt to systematically make the case for open borders. If you’re interested in learning about the site, see our welcome post and the site FAQ.
Counts listed here are as of March 15, 2015 (this date will be updated whenever these counts get updated).
Highly popular posts as revealed by Facebook engagement:
- Most liked post: How my day in Wagah led me to rethink borders by Anonymous Blogger, March 11, 2015. 950 Facebook engagements, 6 Twitter engagements, and 611 views.
- Second most liked post: Merry Christmas: From natives, immigrants, and foreigners by Scott Freeman, December 23, 2014. 725 Facebook engagements, 9 Twitter engagements, and 832 views.
- I don’t care about immigration sob stories. This is about justice, not compassion by John Lee, July 11, 2014. 411 Facebook engagements, 74 Twitter engagements, and 1367 views.
- Let them come: treasuring the immigrant legacy of Thanksgiving by John Lee, November 26, 2014. 408 Facebook engagements, 4 Twitter engagements, 376 views.
- Journalist Stephan Faris: Modern border regimes are apartheid by John Lee, January 30, 2014. 395 Facebook engagements, 30 Twitter engagements, 465 views.
- Support for open borders is a fundamental tenet of libertarianism, and David Brat is not a libertarian by John Lee, January 18, 2014. 304 Facebook engagements 52 Twitter engagements, 905 views.
- My Path to Open Borders by guest blogger Bryan Caplan, January 2, 2013. 261 Facebook engagements, 61 Twitter engagements, 2753 views.
Most viewed posts:
- Immigration and the US Constitution by Ilya Somin, March 18, 2013. 261 Facebook engagements, 41 Twitter engagements, 24 comments, 11814 views.
- Roy Beck unwittingly makes the case for open borders by Vipul Naik, March 20, 2012. 42 Facebook engagements, 6 Twitter engagements, 43 comments, 4099 views.
- Metics in Ancient Greece by Nathan Smith, July 3, 2012. 3 Facebook engagements, 1 Twitter engagement, 2 comments, 2879 views.
- Tell Me How Himmler Misapplied Citizenism by Bryan Caplan, July 12, 2013. 114 Facebook engagements, 8 Twitter engagements, 84 comments, 2493 views.
Some other noteworthy posts:
- Most liked post with original reporting and narration: In 2013, the Dream 30 Fought to Come Home by occasional blogger David Bennion, December 30, 2013. 232 Facebook engagements, 31 Twitter engagements, 3 comments, 580 views.
- An Open Borders: The Case blogger “coming out” as an illegal immigrant: I was an Unaccompanied Child by Michelangelo Landgrave, August 11, 2014. 121 Facebook engagements, 19 Twitter engagements, 2 comments, 395 views.
- An in-depth opinion piece on Obama’s November 2014 deferred action proposal: Executive Action, Not Legislative Reform, Is How U.S. Immigration Policy Gets Made Now by occasional blogger, lawyer, and immigration advocate David Bennion, November 25, 2014. 116 Facebook engagements, 20 Twitter engagements, 2 comments, 436 views.
- Most liked post on opinion survey research: Who favors open borders? by Nathan Smith, December 3, 2012. 122 Facebook engagements, 46 Twitter engagements, 26 comments, 2398 views.
- Most viewed post on opinion survey research: The “Rude Shock” for Libertarians by Hansjoerg Walther, January 8, 2014. 10 Facebook engagements, 11 Twitter engagements, 23 comments, 2244 views.