When I wrote Principles of a Free Society, I believe that I very dimly had in mind Hans-Hermann Hoppe as an intellectual adversary, but for some reason– some stray remarks at the Cato Institute which I over-interpreted, I think– I had the impression that Hoppe was so disreputable that it would be a kind of … Continue reading Nathan Smith vs. Hans-Hermann Hoppe →
We are always happy to hear from our readers. You may contact us with any press/media inquiries (see also our page on external coverage), or to arrange open borders events in your area. You can contact us in any of these ways: By email: Send an email to openborders@googlegroups.com. This will reach all site administrators. … Continue reading Contact →
As the ten-year anniversary has made the Iraq War topical again, I thought it might be interesting to draw a few parallels between the Iraq War and open borders. For me, one of the most striking features of the Iraq War is the generosity of the war aims, at least as publicly declared. I find … Continue reading The Iraq War and open borders →
If you want a secure US-Mexico border, where law enforcement focuses on rooting out murderers and smugglers, you need open borders.
Open borders advocates sometimes claim that Rawlsian ethics imply support for open borders. If this is an implication of Rawls’ theory of justice, however, it’s one that Rawls himself does not acknowledge, for reasons he mentions in passing in his book The Law of Peoples: Concerning the second problem, immigration, in #4.3 I argue that … Continue reading Rawls’ highly unpersuasive attempt to evade the open borders ramifications of his own theory →