Open borders, political externalities, and tipping points

In a comment addressed to David Henderson, Mark Crankshaw makes an interesting argument about the political externalities of immigration, raising the concern that unrestricted immigration may lead to a tipping point toward left-wing populism in the United States: Here’s a hypothetical: what if, prior to 1989, there was a substantially supported political party in West … Continue reading Open borders, political externalities, and tipping points

The “Melting Pot”

Wikipedia’s article on the “melting pot” is interesting. Here’s a quote from J. Hector St. John de Crevecour: “…whence came all these people? They are a mixture of English, Scotch, Irish, French, Dutch, Germans, and Swedes… What, then, is the American, this new man? He is neither a European nor the descendant of a European; … Continue reading The “Melting Pot”


This page gives a full detailed list of all pages on the main site. Blog posts are not included. In addition to the list below, there is the Welcome to Open Borders front entry and the blog home page. View Open Borders blog coverage map in a full screen map The case for open borders … Continue reading Sitemap