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Robert Barsky is a Professor of English, French and Italian, and Jewish Studies, at Vanderbilt University. His webpage is at
- Arguing and Justifying: Assessing the Convention Refugee Choice of Moment, Motive and Host Country (note: the link does not work from everywhere). We’ve uploaded a copy of the introduction (with permission from the author) here.
- Constructing a Productive Other: Discourse Theory and the Convention Refugee Hearing, Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1994.
- An Essay on the Free Movement of Peoples, Refuge (May 2001): 84-93.
- The Hypocrisies of Free Trade, The Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies 24.1-2, ed. Imre Szeman, 175-181.
- The Motives for Departure and the Choice of Host Country: Arguing the Canadian Refugee’ Choices, Contemporary International Issues: An Academic and Policy Journal 1.1, Special issue: “Explaining Contemporary Immigration and Refugee Intake Policies,” edited by John G. G. Halstead and Cornelius H.W. Remie, 1999.
- The Construction of the Other and the Destruction of the Self: The Case of the Convention Hearings, Encountering the Other(s), Ed. Gisela Brinker Gabler. NY: SUNY P, 1995, pp. 79-100.
- Review of Open Borders: The Case Against Immigration Controls, Journal of Refugee Studies 2001, 14, 205-7.