All posts by Open Borders Admin

Still looking for new bloggers and guest bloggers

Three months ago, we asked for new bloggers. As a result of that, we signed on a few occasional bloggers: Michael Carey, Paul Crider, and David Bennion all came to us through the contact form (Paul Crider has now been redesignated as a regular blogger for Open Borders). We also managed to get guest posts from Peter Hurley and Victoria Ferauge, both of whom made contact with us through the form.

We’re still looking for more bloggers, both people interested in occasional blogging and people interested in doing one-off guest posts or series of posts. There is a single contact form for all potentially interested individuals, and the contact form is here.

We welcome bloggers of all sorts. But here’s a list of some of the areas where we are specifically interested in expanding our coverage:

  • An examination of recent US immigration legislative attempts: While we generally avoid news, recent attempts at immigration-related legislation in the United States might provide a good opportunity for analysis of the types of political change that are feasible in the short run, and the roadblocks to moving towards more open borders. Unfortunately, most of our regular bloggers lack deeper insight into these issues.
  • Personal anecdotes related to migration that help shed light on the issue: These would be ideal for people who want to write guest posts for our site without long-term commitment. At the time of this writing, our personal anecdote post series has only had one post, but we’re hoping to expand considerably.
  • Migration in geographical areas that are often neglected from public discourse: This includes: migration between underdeveloped countries with huge relative differentials (such as migration from Bangladesh to India), migration to the Gulf States (the UAE’s keyhole solutions and their pros and cons are particularly worthy of discussion), migration to Singapore (similarly famous for its unorthodox keyhole solutions), and migration to Hong Kong. We’ve generally had a robust degree of global coverage on our blog, but we could do more in diversifying our coverage.
  • Discussion of open borders from, and in relation to, mainstream political and social groups and perspectives. For instance, how do people discuss open borders and migration-related issues in their social lives? In churches? How do mainstream political groups view migration? What might be some ways of getting them to think more about these issues?
  • More historical coverage of migration: We have a number of blog posts devoted to the history of borders, but this is an area where the more we expand, the better. Open borders would be a big step in the modern world, so in so far as it is possible to learn from the historical precedent of eras where migration was freer, we should make the most use of it.

In case you missed it from above: the contact form is here.

Introducing David Bennion

We’re happy to announce a new occasional blogger to our roster of contributors, David Bennion.

David is a lawyer who has worked with immigration cases for years. He has directly collaborated with undocumented organizers and activists to try to change US immigration policy. His interests include immigration law and the politics of immigration. David is a strong supporter of open borders and even further of citizenship for immigrants as a way to secure their rights.

We here at Open Borders: The Case look forward to seeing David’s future contributions and the discussion that will hopefully arise from them!

REMINDER: If you’re interested in blogging for the site in any capacity, please fill out  our potential guest blogger contact form.

Weekly link roundup 3

This is the third of our weekly link roundups (the first was here, the second was here). As always, the pieces linked may have been published earlier, and linking does not imply endorsement.

Weekly link roundup 2

This is the second of our weekly link roundups (the first was here). As always, the pieces linked may have been published earlier, and linking does not imply endorsement.

Weekly link roundup 1

This post begins a series of weekly link roundups for links across the web to a diverse range of content. The linked content need not have been published in the past week. As always, linking does not imply endorsement.